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179 articles
Do I need a Company Service Provider (CSP) to set up an ADGM SPV?
Can I license IP from my ADGM SPV?
Do I need to rent physical office space for my ADGM SPV?
Where would an ADGM SPV sit within my corporate structure?
How long does it take to incorporate an ADGM SPV?
Certificate of Incumbency for an ADGM entity
Verification of ADGM Documents
Individual KYC
Document Amendment Fees
Redomiciling your company into ADGM
Who is the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) of an ADGM entity?
What is a Commercial Licence?
Preparation of Financial Accounts
What does Entrenched Articles mean?
What is nexus?
What is a data protection contact?
What is a Prescribed Statement for the purpose of striking off an ADGM company?
What does control mean in the context of identifying an Ultimate Beneficial Owner?
How do we appoint a Director to our company?
How do I transfer shares in my company?
What is the difference between a share allotment and share transfer?
Does my UAE entity need to file an economic substance notification or report?

Can we file consolidated accounts for an ADGM company?
What category is my ADGM company for accounting purposes?
Filing of Financial Accounts
A list of ADGM recognized auditors
Can we pay after you have processed the renewal?
Voluntary strike off for your ADGM company
What is a data controller?
What is a data processor?
What is included in the SPV renewal fee?
Can I get a discount on Clara fees?
What is included in the Tech Startup & Operating Company renewal fee?
Is there a grace period for the renewal?
Can we submit the renewal ourselves?
What happens if I do not renew my ADGM licence?
How can I change the residential address for a Director?
How can I change my service address?
How can I change my occupation?
What is required for the annual confirmation statement?
If I fail to renew my ADGM SPV, can I re-establish it later?
Can I convert to an SPV?
How do I change/remove my auditor?
What are the penalties for late renewal?
What does M - Professional, Scientific and Technical activities mean?
Who can I contact to lease an office space?
Will my ADGM company need to lease an office?
Can you recommend an accountancy firm?
Who can sign the financials?
Do we need an auditor?
We don't have a bank account, or any transactions - how do we prepare accounts?
How long does it take to complete the voluntary strike off of my ADGM company?
Do I have to appoint a data processor?
What is the last date I can renew?
What are the annual renewal fees for an ADGM entity?
How do I appoint an auditor?
What do I need to do to renew an ADGM SPV on the Clara Platform?
Tech Licence classification questionnaire
What do I need to do to renew an ADGM Tech Startup on the Clara Platform

What are my yearly filing obligations with my ADGM entity?
What is KYC and why is it required?
Why am I being asked to provide personal information and documents?
What is a PEP?
What do I need to do if I am a PEP?
I am a PEP. Can I set up an ADGM company?
Are there restrictions on nationalities who can set up an ADGM company?
What information and documents do I need to be a director of an ADGM company?
What information and documents do I need to be a shareholder of an ADGM company?
What information and documents do I need to be an authorised signatory of an ADGM company?
My KYC documents are not in English. Can I use them?
Do I need to notarize or legalise my shareholder documents to incorporate in ADGM?
What can be used as proof of residential address?
What does source of funds mean in ADGM?
What does source of wealth mean in ADGM?
What is the difference between source of wealth and source of funds in ADGM?
Do shareholders and directors need to update ADGM if their details change?
Who needs to provide KYC information and documents?
When do I need to update you of changes to my details or my ADGM entity?
I have passports from more than one country. Do I need to declare this?
What is a service address?
I have an Emirates ID Card but not a permanent residential address in the UAE. What address should I use?
Why am I being asked for a Curriculum Vitae (CV)?
My company will have a corporate shareholder. What information and documents need to be provided?
What is a certificate of incumbency?
What is a certificate of good standing?
What is the difference between a certificate of good standing and certificate of incumbency?
What can I use to show the current shareholders and directors?
Fit & Proper Declaration for ADGM

Are there restrictions on naming ADGM companies?
Can a child own shares in an ADGM entity?
Difference between paid and unpaid shares
Can Clara help with visa applications for ADGM companies?
Restricted words in ADGM company names
What is Relevant Income for economic substance purposes in the UAE?
What is an Investment Fund pursuant to the UAE Economic Substance Regulations?
What is the process to have a company resolution notarised by the ADGM Notary?
What are Core Income Generating Activities (CIGA) for substance purposes?
What is an MNE Group pursuant to the UAE Economic Substance Regulations?
How does my entity establish economic substance in the UAE?
Is my entity an Exempted Licensee under the UAE Economic Substance Regulations?
Working with Clara as a Referral or Reseller Partner
Does an ADGM entity have Memorandum of Association?
What is the difference between 'Par Value' and 'Share Premium' of your company shares
Why does ADGM want to know if my company name has another meaning?
What is a Relevant Activity for economic substance purposes?
Should I first incorporate my KSA operating entity or ADGM SPV?
What is an ADGM Authorised Signatory?
What is the breakdown of the renewal fees between Clara and ADGM?
Is ADGM the right jurisdiction for me?
Removing a director from your ADGM company
Why does Clara Formations require sole access to the ADGM portal account?
Can we make changes ourselves?
How to change your ADGM company name?
Incorporation Application: Nominee shareholdings
Incorporation Application: purpose of your new ADGM company
Can I open a bank account for my company?
When will I need to notarize or legalise my ADGM documents post incorporation?
Do I have access to the ADGM portal for my company?
Can I manage post-incorporation services myself with ADGM?
Can you provide us with our portal log-in?
Does ADGM follow UAE laws?
Can you provide us with a contact at ADGM?
How do we switch company service providers for my ADGM SPV?
Company KYC
What are the penalties for late filing of accounts?
What is economic substance reporting?
Is there any way to speed up my ADGM incorporation?
Can I use a nominee to be my ADGM Authorised Signatory?
Are my ADGM company details publicly available?
What documents are included in my ADGM incorporation?
What is the process to have a Power of Attorney notarised with the ADGM Notary?
Transferring out of Clara's management
Can a trust be a shareholder of an ADGM enitty?
What documents will need to be signed as part of the ADGM incorporation process?
What are the ongoing obligations for an ADGM non-financial operating company?
Role and Duties of an ADGM Director