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What is the process to have a company resolution notarised by the ADGM Notary?
What is the process to have a company resolution notarised by the ADGM Notary?

This article describes the process to have a company resolution notarised by the ADGM notary.

Updated over 2 months ago

In partnership with Abu Dhabi Judicial Department, ADGM Courts offer a Notary Public service for all ADGM registered entities. ADGM Courts Notary Public is licensed and authorised by Abu Dhabi Judicial Department to notarise and attest documents.

Clara can assist you in arranging for your company's written resolution (Resolution) to be notarised by the ADGM Courts Notary Public. The steps are outlined below.

Step 1: Resolution Review by Notary

You will need to supply us with the Resolution text prepared by your advisor in English and we will arrange for this to be legally translated to Arabic. Once we have the draft Resolution in dual language (English and Arabic), this will need to be reviewed and approved by the ADGM Notary.

Step 2: Issuance of Notary Pack by ADGM RA

We will arrange for the Declaration Letter addressed to the ADJD and a Notary Letter confirming the Powers of Directors (Notary Pack) to be issued by the ADGM Registration Authority (RA).

Step 3: Signing of the Resolution

While step 3 is under process, the Resolution will need to be signed wet ink by the Shareholders/Directors and a clear, coloured scanned copy is sent to us by email.

Step 4: WebEx Appointment with Notary

We will arrange an appointment for you with the Notary and provide the Notary with all required documents for their final review ahead of the appointment.

The Shareholders/Directors who signed the Resolution will be required to attend the virtual appointment via WebEx. A copy of the attendees’ original passport will need to be on hand during the WebEx appointment.


Clara Formation’s fee to assist with this process includes:

  • Liaising with the Notary for approval of the Resolution text

  • Translation of the Resolution and ancillary documentation for up to 3 amendments

  • Obtaining the ADGM Notary Pack ahead of the notary appointment, including associated filing fees

  • Arranging the Notary appointment

  • ADGM Courts Notary Public fee

  • Abu Dhabi Judicial Department (ADJD) fee

Excluded from our fees are:

  • Attestation or stamping fees by MOFA / Embassy etc

  • Other disbursements relating to courier, translations, or stampings not otherwise included in our scoping above.

Please note that the Notary Public will not notarise a company’s constitutional documents because, pursuant to Abu Dhabi Law No. (11) of 2017 Concerning the Notary Public in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, the authentication of such document falls under the competency of the recognised authority (for example, ADGM’s Registration Authority) and not the Notary Public.

You can read more about the process for obtaining a Power of Attorney for your ADGM Company here.

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