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How long does it take to complete the voluntary strike off of my ADGM company?
How long does it take to complete the voluntary strike off of my ADGM company?

It takes a minimum of three months from start to finish to strike off your ADGM company.

Updated over 8 months ago

It takes a minimum of three months from start to finish to strike off your ADGM company.

Once you confirm that you would like to proceed with the application for the voluntary strike off of your ADGM Company, Clara will prepare the strike off documents for signature and then submit the application to ADGM for review. If ADGM has no comments or questions, the application will be approved at which time the Company's registration will become inactive. This initial review time typically takes up to 10 business days.

The strike off application is then published on the ADGM website and a notice period of 90 business days commences. This timeframe is shortened to 60 business days if the simplified voluntary strike off process was used. This notice period does not include weekends.

If the notice period finishes without objection from a third party, then the company's voluntary strike off will be finalised and it becomes deregistered.

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