When a document is certified by the Abu Dhabi Global Market Registration Authority (ADGM RA), a digital stamp will be applied by to the document by the ADGM RA. This digital stamp will state the issue date of the verified document and contain a code in the format of "COMPANIES - NUMBERS" that can be used to verify the document on the ADGM RA portal. You can see our modified example below:
To verify this document, you will go to ADGM RA portal and select the Online Services Tab (1) at the top of the screen, followed by (2) 'Companies', (3) Tools' and (4) 'Verify Document Code'
To complete the process, you will enter the Document Code that starts with COMPANIES on the document and the Company Registration Number which will be contained on the document. In the case that it is not on the particular document, you can confirm the company number by using the company search tool available on the ADGM RA website