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Employee Identification Number (EIN)
Employee Identification Number (EIN)
Updated over 7 months ago

An EIN (Employer Identification Number) is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to businesses operating in the United States. The EIN is used for various purposes, such as:

  1. Filing Taxes: Businesses use their EIN to file federal tax returns, pay taxes, and handle other tax-related matters.

  2. Opening a Business Bank Account: Banks typically require an EIN to open a business account.

  3. Hiring Employees: Employers must have an EIN to report employee wages and withhold taxes.

An EIN is essential for almost any type of business entity, including C-Corps and limited liability companies (LLCs).

Clara can help your company apply for an EIN, we charge $199 for this service. Please reach out to [email protected].

We need to collect the following information

  1. Responsible Personal Details: The full name, contact information, SSN (if available) the individual who is responsible for the business and who will be signing the SS4 form.

  2. Responsible Person Passport

  3. Mailing Address: An address of the business where you can be receive mail fro the IRS. The address does not need to be in the United States. You cannot use the Registered Agent's address, a residential address can be used.

  4. Business Description: this should be a brief explanation of the underlying business in 1 - 2 words.

  5. Employment Plans: Provide some details about your intention to employee (or not) people over the next 12 months. This impacts whether you should file a Form 944 or a Form 941 with the IRS during the annual tax return.

We will send you a questionnaire to collect the above information. We use this information to draft a SS4 form which we will circulate to you for signature.

Once the SS4 form is filed with the IRS, they take 25 - 40 working days for the IRS to issue the EIN is the Responsible Person does not have a Social Security Number. If the Responsible Person has a Social Security Number, the IRS take 3 - 4 working days to issue the EIN. The turnaround time of the IRS is out of our control, there is nothing we can do to expedite it.

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