Once you have generated a document on Clara and sent it for signature, the document cannot be deleted from the data room. The document must first be voided. This is because the document has been sent for signature and it is a legal requirment to notify the signees that the document is null and void, and provide a reason. Once the document has been marked as void, you will be able to delete it from the data room.
Once you void a document, the document will revert to draft and none of the signatories will be able to sign or view it unless you resend it for signatures.
The steps below explain how you can cancel or void a document that has been sent for signature.
Click here to see the steps for how to delete a document from your data room.
1. Click on Data Room
2. Click on View
Locate the document you want to void and click View to open it up
3. Click on Void
4. Provide a reason for voiding the document
Note: This reason will be included in the auto-generated DocuSign email that will be sent to the signatories.
5. Confirm
6. Click on Void
A DocuSign email will notify the signatories